
Our sustainable collection is our entire selection
Ege Carpets is the only carpet brand with a 100% Cradle to Cradle Certified® contract assortment. So, with Ege Carpets, you can fulfil your design ambitions and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Sustainability woven into all our carpets
When we develop new carpet designs, we ensure sustainable solutions throughout the entire product development process. We optimise the interplay between quality, design, weaving techniques and material selection and consumption to make our products as sustainable as possible.

Transforming plastic bottles into backings
Our Ecotrust backings, featured in all our carpet tiles and selected wall-to-wall carpets are made from recycled plastic bottles. Through an innovative manufacturing technique, the plastic bottles are converted into soft fibres that are part of the PET felt backings. The soft felt material ensures optimum underfoot comfort and stability and has unique acoustic advantage standards.

100% recyclable carpets
100% recyclable carpets
Most of our carpets are Cradle to Cradle Certified® at the Bronze level.
All carpets are designed for recycling after use.

Good design is about more than the product.
It’s also about creating a better world.

One of the world’s most extensive certifications

One of the world’s most extensive certifications
100% Cradle to Cradle Bronze Certified®

One of the world’s most extensive certifications

Cradle to Cradle is one of the most well-respected certifications. With our 100% Cradle to Cradle Bronze Certified® assortment of carpets, we prove our dedication to keeping valuable materials in circulations, reducing CO2 and taking sustainable action across our operations and value chain.
Read more about Cradle to Cradle

Explore our circular approach to sustainability

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