Designer rugs

With Designer Islands, we offer you beautiful and unique rugs that internationally recognized designers have created with their incomparable talent and eye for premium interior design.

The Designers

Transforming rugs into unique experiences

We have a long tradition of working with international designers on new collections helping bring their ideas and visions to life. Meet some of our designer friends and discover the stunning results of our collaborations.
Inspiring design possibilities
Inspiring design possibilities

Monsieur Christian Lacroix. Rugs from the Atelier collection

Monsieur Christian Lacroix. Rugs from the Atelier collection
Monsieur Christian Lacroix. Rugs from the Atelier collection
Rich carpet design

Expressive design with a clear reference to fashion

Historical and vintage interpretations are at the heart of the work of Monsieur Christian Lacroix. His textile designs are created from his personal archive of traditional fabrics. They’re transformed into patterns of patchwork, velvet draping, and paisley.
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Tom Dixon. The Industrial Landscape collection

Tom Dixon. The Industrial Landscape collection
Tom Dixon. The Industrial Landscape collection
Rough and beautiful

Mirrors the raw elements of London

With all its raw, imperfect surfaces and rough materials, London is the departure point for the Industrial Landscape collection. Aged and patinated by the passage of time, through which people, industry, and weather have left their marks, the ever-evolving landscape of materials is the essence of the collection.
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Laura Bilde & Linnea Blæhr x designer collections

Laura Bilde & Linnea Blæhr x designer collections
Laura Bilde & Linnea Blæhr x designer collections
Award winning design

Two imperfectly perfect designer collections

Laura Bilde and Linnea Blæhr share a deep understanding of aesthetics. The collaboration between the Danish design duo and Ege Carpets has resulted in two outstannding Designer collections: the multiple award-winng Reform designer collection A New Wave, and the SHE collection, which pays tribute to the pioneering female designers and artisans of the past.
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Nicolette Brunklaus. The Canvas Collage collection

Nicolette Brunklaus. The Canvas Collage collection
Nicolette Brunklaus. The Canvas Collage collection
The power of colours

The aesthetic of handmade tactility

Fascinated by the power of perfect combinations, Dutch designer Nicolette Brunklaus collages expanses of colour and texture together as a poetic way to influence space and lift people up. The woven structure with a patchwork of colours and innovative forms is a recurring theme in all variants in the Canvas Collage collection.
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Margrethe Odgaard 56 evergreen colours

Margrethe Odgaard 56 evergreen colours
Margrethe Odgaard 56 evergreen colours
56 Eco colours

The beauty of natural minerals

Inspired by the beauty of minerals and based on the interaction between colours, materials, light, and space, Margrethe Odgaard has developed 56 evergreen colours for several woven Eco collections. The palette consists of social colours that complement each other, and stand-out colours that hold their own.
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