

Epoca Texture rugs bring a touch of understated luxury to modern spaces. Their sleek, plain-cut pile design adds a touch of sophistication to a dynamic office, an inviting elegance to upscale hotels, or a polished charm to contemporary retail stores. Perfectly balancing form and function, these rugs serve as a subtle yet striking centrepiece, harmoniously blending with and enhancing the character of diverse professional environments.

All of our rug collections can be customised to perfectly fit your room's dimensions and style, and Epoca Texture is no exception. With flexibility at our core, you have the freedom to create a rug that makes a statement while uniquely complementing your space.

Bringing softness, a warm atmosphere, and sound reduction to any project, rugs elevate and renew the floor, a sometimes overlooked part of interior decoration. With a simple, yet very effective grip, a rug transforms your room into a completely new space. Customise your rug by choosing construction, size, shape, and edging. With Ege Carpets' rugs concept, you can customise the rug to perfectly fit the interior style you aim for by following a quite simple procedure.

  • Available in:
  • Recolour options:
  • Ready for dispatch:
    Within 3 weeks from receipt of order
  • Sample service:
    Within 2-4 days delivery


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